Travel Tips: 7 Things to Know Before Visiting Australia

Australia has always been a mecca for all travelers - business, and leisure. Its natural beauty includes the lush rain forest of the north, the incredible Outback, and the Great Barrier Reef. I interviewed Australian Travel Specialist Alicia Saba from the Departure Lounge for her advice before planning your trip to Australia to maximize your experience.

1. Australian Landscapes Very Diverse

Australia is the 6th largest country in the world and includes several climax zones. Because in the southern hemisphere, seasons are reversed from countries in the northern hemisphere, such as Canada, Mexico, and Alicia AS inform, "Rainfall varies dramatically from the temperate north to tropical south, while temperatures at one end of the country are often very different from the others. "In Australia's red center, the temperature can fluctuate 80 ° F in one day, so pack up for all conditions if you visit Uluru (Ayers Rock). The area around the Great Barrier Reef has two distinct seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. Summer is hot and humid and winter is dry and warm. In Tasmania, the island off the coast of Australia, winters can be very cold.

2. Do not Worry Too Much About Wildlife - But Stay Careful

"Although Australia is famous for its dangerous wildlife, the danger will be decorated," said Alicia. "It is true that some venomous creatures on earth can be found in the interior and on the beach." Alicia encourages tourists not to drive at night, in remote areas, to avoid hitting kangaroos, wallabies, and other wildlife. 'Stinger Season' is in summer in Queensland when jellyfish can be seen on the beach. During this time, need to wear stinger suit or just swim in the beach with stinger nets. Alicia suggests, "If you plan on swimming or surfing often, buy a suit at a local grocery store on your first day instead of renting it many times, always obeying wildlife alerts."

3. Strict Biosecurity Regulations

A traveler who travels frequently, Alicia suggests, "Australia has the most stringent bio-security regulations in the world on the transport of biological entities." This includes food, plant material, and animal products - things we want to bring as gifts like chocolate. , fruit, and jam. Failure to declare it can lead to considerable penalties. Alicia tells me "Australia has been threatened by previously invasive species, like cane toads, which have become a serious threat to food and food crop production If not sure, always declare at customs - or leave at home." Bring a non-artificial food gift your country such as books, golf balls, fancy soaps, tea towels, or bookmarks.

4. U. S. Residents Must Apply for Electronic Travel Authority Before Entering Australia

United States citizens must apply for the Electronic Travel Authority (ETA), which authorizes entry into Australia and is connected electronically with your passport. ETA grants permission to visit Australia indefinitely within a period of 12 months to three months at a time. There is an AUD20 service fee. Before purchasing your airfare, secure your ETA by registering here:

5. Aussie Phrases and Languages

"One thing that always keeps the visitors off guard, especially on their first trip to Australia, is the unique Aussie slang and speed the Aussies play," Alicia said. Some of the main phrases to keep in mind are: Thongs, Sunnies (sunglasses), Cuppa (hot drinks), nice (good job), heaps (a lot), bottle-O (liquor store), and Mozzie (mosquito). In the restaurant, listed as "Appetizers" in the U.S. is "Entrées" in Australia, and "Entrées" is listed as "Parent."

6. The Sun Aangat Dahsyat

Alicia warned that "another important factor to consider, especially for travelers coming from more temperate areas, is the sun.An fact that surprises many visitors: there are some holes in the ozone layer above Australia.The UV index can routinely reach dangerous levels. "Always carry sunscreen with an SPF rating of 60 or more, and do your best to stay in direct sunlight, especially in the middle of the day. Know the limitations of the body and drink enough fluids. If you feel dizzy or dizzy, immediately look for shade and rehydrate.

7. Tip is Discretionary

Tip in Australia is a controversial topic. Some Australians suggest tips and other advice to never tip in any situation. If you tip in a restaurant, 10 percent is enough and just to reward good service. At the restaurant, the bill was settled in front of the restaurant, unlike in the U.S. where the bill is brought to the table. So when finished eating, get up, and pay up front. The tour guide did not expect a tip, but a few dollars is always appreciated.


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